Preparing for Reading

On the EmSAT exam, you’ll come across four types of reading questions: cloze reading (MAZE), single-question reading, paragraph builder, and extended reading. Let’s explore each question type in more detail. By understanding these different question formats, you can better prepare yourself for the exam and improve your reading skills. Keep reading to boost your EmSAT readiness.

Cloze Reading
In this part of the EmSAT exam, you will read short (90 to 120-word) or longer (170-200 word) paragraphs with missing words. You will need to choose the correct words to complete the paragraphs. 

Single-Question Reading
In this part of the EmSAT exam, you will read short (90 to 150-word)  texts. You will have to answer one multiple-choice question for each one. 

Paragraph Builder
In this part of the EmSAT exam, you will be given 4-7 sentences. You will need to order these sentences to make a paragraph.

Extended Reading
In this part of the EmSAT exam, you will read longer (450-550 word) texts. These texts could be stories, informative texts, or descriptive texts. You will need to answer multiple-choice questions after each one.

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