

Prepare for the English EmSAT exam starting with our Free Mini Exam and get the mark you need on the first try!

Don’t waste a year of your life after graduation, sitting at home, trying to retake the English EmSAT exam. Take this free mini-practice exam to check your level, target your weaknesses, and get the mark you need on the first try.

Our practice exams mimic the real English EmSAT exam both in question style and in content. This free practice exam is a shortened version of the real exam allowing you to get meaningful practice even if you don’t have a lot of time to dedicate. Simply provide your name and email address below, click “submit”, and follow the link to start the exam!

  • Practice the 6 main parts of the exam in less time than it takes you to watch an episode of your favorite series
  • Get your score immediately, including a score for each section of the exam, letting you know which parts of the exam you should focus on during your exam preparation.
  • Got a question wrong? No problem! You’ll get a clear explanation for each answer, and you’ll be directed to a special practice area where you can improve that specific skill. No more wasting time studying things you already know or practicing skills you have already developed. Focus exclusively on strengthening your weaknesses.
  • Like what you see? We have 20+ practice exams waiting for you. From the mini exams for the days you just don’t have much time to study, to full length exams that are the same length as the real English EmSAT exam.

Enter your name and email to start practicing!

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